Jan 23From career interest to sustainable pathwayIn the spring of 2023, Salix had recently started his career journey. Now, he's turned that career interest into a sustainable pathway.
Nov 28, 2023New program opens new pathways for young adultsCareerPoint celebrated the graduation of its pilot cohort before the participants head off to their UWCU job training.
May 30, 2023Support from all angles for a bright futureHonoring an OFS alum In 2016, Charles Jackson graduated from what is now called Build Academy after completing the Legacy program. He was...
May 18, 2023The road less traveled to a career in funeral serviceMany people know of the services that funeral homes provide, but few people think about funeral services as a career pathway. That...
Dec 8, 2022OFS CareerScape guides participant to dental assistant careerBerhan Schade first came to Operation Fresh Start to participate in the STRIVE Construction program for career exploration and employment...
Jun 27, 2022Healthcare program offers support for young adults to begin their careerBeatrice Rogers found the support she needed to start a career in healthcare through the Operation Fresh Start Healthcare Academy.
May 31, 2022OFS alumn on path to becoming an architectIsmael Cid transitions the construction foundation he built at Operation Fresh Start into an architecture career.