Jack Osteraas Heritage Society
Planned giving to Operation Fresh Start

By including Operation Fresh Start in your will or estate plan, you ensure its future and the legacy of its founder, Jack Osteraas.
Recognition in OFS Annual Report and on the website
Invitations to special youth builds, park dedications, and graduation ceremonies
Invitation to yearly social for Jack Osteraas Heritage Society members
Engraved “In Memory” paver located in the Jack Osteraas Garden area upon the gift being realized
Please note, the information on this page should not replace professional tax or legal advice. One should consult their advisors on their specific situation.
To notify Operation Fresh Start of your gift, please fill out a Statement of Intent and mail or email as directed on the form. Thank you for your support!
Gifts by Bequests
One of the easiest ways to make a planned gift to Operation Fresh Start, Inc. is to leave a specific bequest in your will or trust. A bequest can be in the form of a specific amount, percentage, or residual gift. Occasionally, such gifts are made in honor or memory of a loved one. In a bequest, you would keep control of the assets during your lifetime.
Types of Bequests: You can make a general bequest to help our Annual Operations, or make a gift towards building Operating Reserves.
Include us in your will
You can simply include a clause directing a charitable gift in your will or revocable living trust to Operation Fresh Start, Inc. (tax ID # 23-7108090). You can specify a specific dollar amount, a set percentage of your estate, or the remainder of your estate. If you already have a will, you can add a bequest in a codicil (supplement).
Sample Language:
General bequest: I give $XX (or XX% of my residuary estate) to Operation Fresh Start, Inc.
Gift to a specific area of interest: I give $XX (or XX% of my residuary estate) to Operation Fresh Start, Inc. to support [specify a specific area of interest or program].
IRAs and Retirement Plans
Gift of Life Insurance
A gift of life insurance can be made through a new or existing policy by the donor. To do this one would designate Operation Fresh Start, Inc. as the beneficiary. The donor receives an income tax deduction for the value of the policy when the donation is made and income tax deductions for future premium payments each year.